In this episode Android 18 has been Eliminated from the Tournament of power.
This episode has a bunch of heading message and reveals specially at the end when it come to got a destruction from universe 3 so this week's episode titled:
All-Out War! The Ultimate Quadruple Quadruple Merge vs Universe 7's Full-Scale Attack!!
It is scripted by very popular Toshio Yashitaka who is very popular on twitter he is giving us a lot of early releases,spoilers and leakes of upcoming episodes. He was also responsible for scripting the episode 107 and 112 and now episode 122. it's Director is Takao Iwai, Storyboard is done by Yoshitaka Yashima
The Episode start with merge Dr. Paporani and his robotic warriors it appears that paporani give up his life because it goes back towards the ending of episode and the chacters are back preety much got destruction but you don't see everyone else it almost appears that paporani was indeed eliminated.Paporani sacrifice his life, so he transformed into giant beast and he even attacking universe 11
This character is all about speed and power,using some attacks and techniques we haven't seen before, he's really able to put a hold on universe 7. They were struggling in that episode. he was able to actually predict their movement bu using key reflection. the key that is bouncing off Anizara, he uses that in order to predict and analyze where the character's movement are gonna be, so that is a very interesting technique. Gohan is taking lead through episode.
In this episode the Frieza actually saves goku, Goku almost get eliminated but frieza in the last movement comes in and saves goku, Frieza gets angry on Anizara because Anizara is attacking him and frieza says "you think I'm weaker than you". then frieza starts attacking anizara.
Goku saves android 18 because android 18 almost gets eliminated in this episode eventually she does, Android 18 has major role here because Android 17 is struggling against Anizara and Anizara is basically knocks him down,
she basically uses gravity in order to push herself down and push android 17 to opoosite direction
Now Anizara is start growing some wings, Anizara is tring to eat all and he does a great attack.
And then every character is formed his power including golden frieza all struggling against Anizara they are pushed back so Android 18 tell goku you keep what you are doing I'm doing something different.
So Android 17 use his feelings she was able to understand his weak spot that by her forehead and crack that weak spot
Then Anizara is being eliminated by Universe 7 and destroyed
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